(+39) 335.5697265 info@gruppobefore.it

Our method

We make people and companies evolve

> Our method

> Specific methodologies

The Before method

Before applies a unique method, tested and perfected over more than twenty years of activity with the aim of obtaining maximum effectiveness.
Our main feature is that we never lose sight of the human dimension. Whatever the problem, the solution we propose always keeps man at the center.
The aspects that characterize our way of working can be summarized in six points:


Our idea of ​​partnership consists in proximity with the client and with the participants to whom we offer and ask for maximum participation.
Only in this way can we understand the reality in which we move and personalize our intervention.
In fact, we do not have pre-packaged solutions and we leverage the company’s tools, experience and know-how as a basis and reinforcement of our interventions.

Learning by doing

Knowing does not mean knowing how to act. And to act is not to repeat learned actions.
Winning behaviors are those that adapt to organizational realities.
This is why we choose concreteness and an approach to “doing” both in the classroom and in training on the pitch.

Ruites more than courses

Learning, like food, must be taken in the right doses and gradually to be absorbed.
To maximize the concentration on the results to be obtained, our training interventions are structured in consecutive modules interspersed with specific training, with the possibility of verifying and sharing the intermediate results obtained.


The goal that drives us in working with each person is to open up new possibilities. We therefore orient ourselves to the mobilization of the energies and resources of the person to trigger a process of perceptual restructuring, essential to see or glimpse new ways of acting. Awareness of the relationship that is established with oneself, with others and with the company is in fact an essential factor in learning.

Experimentations and trainings

Learning is a process that implies a lasting change in behavior. For this reason, many of our training interventions are structured in consecutive modules interspersed with experiments and training.
Experimentations are used to gather new information about oneself and the relationship between oneself and one’s context. They also serve as evidence of the actions to be carried out and therefore initiate a virtuous circle.
The workouts are the consolidation of the experiments made. When the new possibility, tested, demonstrates obvious advantages, there is a real change.

Languages and cultures

We work in 5 languages ​​with international clients and with Italian clients abroad.
Many of us have developed experiences in other countries and continents and have studied the problems related to the meeting of different cultures and the processes of “Inclusion”.

Specific methodologies

We also use some specific methodologies such as:

  • The organizational biography
  • Co-development
  • The Appreciative Inquiry
  • Design thinking
  • Theatratical problem solving
  • Focus group

Contact us

Request a presentation video call and find out how we can support your company, or tell us about a specific problem and we will evaluate together a possible intervention.

mail: info@gruppobefore.it

mobile: (+39) 347.1128200

14 + 4 =

Work with us

Before is looking for new consultants who are in tune with our vision and who want to bring enthusiasm and experience.

If you are intrested send your CV to: info@gruppobefore.it

Before is a certified company ISO 9001: 2015 

Before S.r.l.
Via Correggio, 69
20149 Milano (MI)
(+39) 347.1128200
VAT: 04834500961
Share capital: 10.000€
Registration number in the Register of Companies of Milan Monza Brianza Lod: 04834500961

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