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What do Barak Obama, Albert Einstein and Elon Musk have in common? It goes without saying that they are characters of great intelligence, but what really unites them is their great capacity for intuition.

Why is intuition important in the company?


Intuition is that ability capable of expanding our intelligence beyond the boundaries of logical reasoning by acquiring new abilities to “know without knowing how” and able to give us brilliant ideas.

In the workplace, the ability to promptly perceive, understand and evaluate a situation is certainly an added value and the Management Costellations method is what is needed.


Management Constellations have the ability to stimulate and represent the client’s intuitions by integrating them with rational logical thinking. It is a tool that, through the scenic representation of the elements, is able to highlight the blocks and hidden dynamics that prevent the resolution of a problem.

In addition to the diagnostic function, the method allows the customer and / or the work team to simulate and evaluate alternative solutions whose results are then translated into concrete action plans.


The effectiveness of the method lies in the synergistic use of three different languages:

  • verbal (which helps to understand the mental maps of those involved)
  • scenic or movement (which stimulates the implicit individual knowledge)
  • visual (facilitating new points of view)

and the combination of the three helps to bring out the feelings and emotions underlying every thought. 


A confirmation of the effectiveness of this method comes from neuroscience which have shown how, to every concept used to think and express ourselves, there is a specific emotion that gives meaning and meaning to what we verbalize. Consequently, each emotion corresponds not only to a physical sensation, but also an automatic program of reactions that, during the development of the Management Constellation, the participants experience on a cognitive, physical and emotional level, thus managing to obtain a more comprehensive overview. complete and more difficult to reach through verbal exposure alone.


Examples of using the method: entrepreneurs, managers and HR


  • Understanding and managing complex situations by focusing on the dynamics in progress and finding the lever to unlock and untie the knots.
  • Deciding in moments of uncertainty especially in a group context where, by highlighting the positions of individuals, it helps to bring together intentions and involve everyone in a shared decision and collective commitment.
  • Solve problem situations by bypassing the filters of established beliefs and habits by simulating new actions and ideas.
    Develop new strategies through co-creation processes between team members and its leader.
  • Negotiate win-win solutions thanks to experimentation in order to put yourself in the counterpart’s place.
  • Resolve conflicts by putting verbal language in the background in favor of scenic language that dampens strong and difficult to control emotions.
  • Optimize the efficiency of processes through simulations that highlight the various bottlenecks and allow you to identify the operations necessary to overcome them.
  • Encourage teamwork thanks to the process of co-creation and immediate experimentation of the proposed solutions that creates a strong commitment to the implementation of the decisions taken.
  • Support human resource management both in the creation of the candidate profile and in the selection of personnel.
  • Manage change thanks to the identification of resistances and the consequent elaboration of new ideas and new communication approaches for a more effective and convincing implementation of innovations.
  • Develop the corporate culture by evaluating the impact of values ​​on individuals and system dynamics for their possible evolution.
  • Improve the effectiveness of communication thanks to stage simulation through which we can optimize the impact and effectiveness of communication.

Thanks to its versatility, this tool can also be integrated synergistically with other consulting approaches.



















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